
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall Foliage

I was in Corvallis and Eugene Oregon over the weekend and the weather was still pretty mild.  As a result the leaves were still on the trees and the array of colors was truly amazing!   Having never been to the east coast during the fall, i can only imagine what it must look like. Well needless to say i was quite inspired when i returned home to my studio and............

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Wow, what an incredible weekend.  I started off the workshop with a spiel on expectations, encouraging the class to leave them at the door because i wanted them to take risks, explore and "play" with the medium.  Despite that, every single one of them, (13 total) created masterpieces that absolutely floored me.  The open exchange of information and ideas was free flowing and SO FUN!  I was honored to have the opportunity to share, encourage and witness creativity.  A big thank you to everyone that attended and Columbia Center for the Arts for letting me use their space at the center to teach.  I look forward to doing it again.  Some feedback from the class........

"The Expression Session was so great!
You are a very good teacher! I was a high school teacher for 35 years. I can tell the good from the bad.
You had a plan, you had information based upon your expertise and knowledge of the subject. You varied the activities and didn't just wave a hand in the direction of the pastels and say " there they are have fun!".
Anyone can see your passion for the subject.
The time just flew by! Never a dull moment"