
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mega Painting

Ta-da....It's a wrap.  I have been in Lake Tahoe for the last 2 weeks working on this painting that i was commissioned to do.  It is in acrylic and wow what an experience.  After getting a few tips on working in acrylic, (new medium for me) and a "Oh you'll be fine!" from fellow artist Marc Nielsen, i decided to take on the challenge.  Working this large, the piece is 7 ft tall by 6 ft wide, proved interesting as well.  The more i painted the more i really got into it.  As another artist Ellen Dittebrandt said, " they are just like pastels except wet", they can be layered over and over creating wonderful vibrancy which is what attracts me to pastels.  I was able to create the illusion of moving back into space after the initial "in your face" flowers".

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Magical Thinking

I am currently in Tahoe on the north shore watching the twilight deepen into a incredible starry night, which happens to be one of my favorite songs ever.......I start a large commission piece, approximately six feet by 7 ft. tomorrow.  It will be my largest to date.  I am working in acrylic for this due to size constraints with glass, (necessary for pastels.) but i find i am really enjoying "playing" with a different medium.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall Foliage

I was in Corvallis and Eugene Oregon over the weekend and the weather was still pretty mild.  As a result the leaves were still on the trees and the array of colors was truly amazing!   Having never been to the east coast during the fall, i can only imagine what it must look like. Well needless to say i was quite inspired when i returned home to my studio and............

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Wow, what an incredible weekend.  I started off the workshop with a spiel on expectations, encouraging the class to leave them at the door because i wanted them to take risks, explore and "play" with the medium.  Despite that, every single one of them, (13 total) created masterpieces that absolutely floored me.  The open exchange of information and ideas was free flowing and SO FUN!  I was honored to have the opportunity to share, encourage and witness creativity.  A big thank you to everyone that attended and Columbia Center for the Arts for letting me use their space at the center to teach.  I look forward to doing it again.  Some feedback from the class........

"The Expression Session was so great!
You are a very good teacher! I was a high school teacher for 35 years. I can tell the good from the bad.
You had a plan, you had information based upon your expertise and knowledge of the subject. You varied the activities and didn't just wave a hand in the direction of the pastels and say " there they are have fun!".
Anyone can see your passion for the subject.
The time just flew by! Never a dull moment"

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jim's Boat

I am thrilled about this latest painting, a commission piece.  The boat was white and i love painting white objects because there really is no such thing, giving me artists license to do what ever i want!  I will never forget recently while doing a pastel demonstration at the Columbia Center for the Arts.  I was painting the "white" trunks of aspen trees, using several colors of equal value, when the daughter of a friend of mine explained to her mother that the "color" was actually light reflecting from other objects onto the trunks.  Well quite simply put, her observation blew me away.
26w x 24h, sold

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poppies Will Make Them Sleep

I created this piece a bit ago and it's funny how it grows on me.  As simple as the composition is, i find i get lost in it.  The painting has a lovely dreamy quality to it.  At this very moment i am sitting in PDX waiting to board a plane to Tahoo, California.  A  collector is flying me there to talk about a large commission piece.  Very exciting!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Eyes of Gold

This painting is one of several i have hanging in the Columbia Art gallery for the October "Trees" show.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Yet Another Journey

I seem to have a fascination with roads and as my dear friend Becki told me, "the road of life is a journey and always under construction".  Well i can most certainly identify with that!!  This painting is actually an expansion of one i painted previously, (8w x 6h).  "Yet Another Journey", is 32w x 13h, and available.  Inquiries as to price, please call or email.  AVAILABLE

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

through the grapevine

I have been unofficially involved in the Northwest Plein Air paint out associated with the Columbia Center for the Arts, and have a new appreciation and respect for the plein air painter!  The ability to compose a successful painting from all the information in the outdoors is quite a challenge.  In addition to  dealing with the elements of sun, wind and rain etc., the artist must create his/her masterpiece in a relatively short period of time.  Light and shadow are continually changing making time the essence of the piece.  I am much more familiar with the comforts of my studio and working from photographs for reference that don't change every time i look at them!  The Plein Air show opens this Friday at the Columbia Art Gallery, hope to see you there. SOLD

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Maxwell's Blues

It has been a while since I have posted images.  I have been on the road participating in fine art festivals. Most recently, Park City, Utah and Aspen, Colorado!  On vacation at the moment in Southern California with family for a little surfing and regrouping!  It has been a few weeks since i have painted and i am kind of jonesing to CREATE!!!!  This piece is sold a few years ago and i found it in my archives and the palate reminds me of Maxwell Parish.  SOLD

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ready for Spring

Spring has come and gone but that is not to say we can't enjoy it year round through images and memories! This painting was inspired by a series of smaller ones, 5"x5" that i painted, all sold i am happy to report!  I am still tweaking this one which, is 22"x22".  SOLD

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Karen & Cathleen

Do we look summery or what?  Finally the season we have all been waiting for is here.  We both had openings for First Friday in Hood River last night.  Myself at RE/MAX River City,  (where the work will hang until the 20th of this month, after which i will load up and travel to Aspen, Colorado for another art show) Cathleen's work is at Zella's.  She has done a series of shoe paintings   that are simply over the top!  I also have several paintings at the Columbia Center for the Arts.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Snowfall

Painting like an incensed hornet, and readying myself for the road trip to Salt Lake, Utah!  SOLD

Thursday, June 16, 2011


This sweet  painting is 8" x 5" and i am happy to report that i really enjoyed working on it!  In the past i have struggled with small pieces.  For what ever reason, perhaps feeling i didn't have enough room to express myself, i used to find it a challenge.  On another note, i am getting ready for the Utah Arts Festival June 23-26.  Fun show but lots of work!  SOLD

Sunday, May 29, 2011


It has been over a week since i have painted.  I find i get a bit anxious when i don't make the time to get out to my studio.  You'd be amazed at how much time artists spend working on everything other than their actual art in order to keep afloat!  Promotional stuff and marketing requires a big chunk of time and expertise in computer skills as well.  After fighting it, (the computer) as a tool to get my work out there...... i decided to embrace it.  In actuality, like the human brain i probably only use less than 10% of its capability!  SOLD

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pear Blossoms & Hood

I am getting ready for the Pear and Wine Festival happening here in Hood River at WAAAM, Sat May 21- Sun May 22.  This is a classic rendition of what the valley looks like in spring and thank goodness it finally arrived!  This painting will be available at the Festival.  SOLD

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

old adobe

It's been a while since i have posted anything, which is not to say i haven't been painting because i have!  The creative faucet is flowing, there is the odd dud but oh well, another reminder of humility.  I enjoyed the GAOS tour over the weekend, sold 8 paintings.  Mostly small, or as i like to describe them, introductory pieces.  This painting i was inspired by master pastel artist Albert Handel.  I love the texture of adobe walls, the irregularity of color and form.
AVAILABLE, Ryan Gallery, Lincoln City, OR

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

From the ground up

I am extremely busy getting ready for the up coming Gorge Artist Open Studio tour next weekend, May 14-15.  This is one of the paintings you will have an opportunity to check out at my studio while on the tour.  I, like the 40 plus artists participating this year, am very excited!  It is a wonderful opportunity to discover all of the amazing talent we have here in, and around the gorge.  AVAILABLE

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I am continuously intrigued by trees, their shapes in particular.  When painting them i feel as though i am sculpting instead of painting.  On many occasions i have found myself wandering off the road, (fortunately no accidents yet, knock on tree) because i am observing to the point of distraction!  I remember a million years ago when i was in art school.  In my very basic drawing courses i was instructed on how to render pieces of wood and drapery.  The ultimate goal was to make the subject matter appear three dimensional.  My incredible teacher, Bonnie Blau would urge me to look around the object, stretch.  I credit her to teaching me how to see.!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Celebrating Color

With this piece i branched out a bit, not my typical composition.  I love it!!  SOLD

Not afraid of Color

Well i think the title tells it all.  This painting was very entertaining to create.  I was not intending to use every color in the rainbow or utilize both warm and cool tones in the palette but i did.  This painting is not for the faint of heart.  To me it speaks of both risk and commitment!  SOLD

Monday, April 4, 2011


I was using a view finder to check out one of my paintings, moving it around and discovered this small area and thought it would make a sweet piece and it did, very fun!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

For Maryann

This painting was a commission piece for a very dear friend.

Winter Rapture

For some of us it feels like winter will never end!  So let's celebrate the beauty of it!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Late July

Over the years i have had the good fortune to travel quite a bit for both personal purposes and for art shows.  When looking at landscapes i am usually considering how i would go about capturing the moment in a painting.  This pastel was inspired by a trip to Sun Valley, Idaho to visit Nana & Opa, my in laws and The Sun Valley Art Festival.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

primary colors

Almost finished with this painting, it has been a while since i "sculpted" trees. I use the that term when describing how i go about painting aspens and birches, because that is what it feels like. Working with form, values, light and dark which make some of the trees appear to march off the surface.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Inner Peace

I think I found it, inner peace that is and for that I am truly grateful!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I started this piece back in May, not a particularly good time in my life. That being said, i shoved it under my couch in my studio, and while tidying up yesterday, (the words clean used in conjunction with studio sound like an oxymoron to me) i saw it out of the corner of my eye. I decided to take a stab at making the most of it and well, by golly i do believe i did!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blue River Bend

I guess you could say i am on a fluid streak, as in water. I am digging this painting and continue to learn something every time i put my pastel to paper. After a certain amount of experience or "milage", a good portion of painting can be predictable. Sometimes however, it is one surprise after another. Which speaks to discovering by accident or unintentionally, (being open and willing to try something new and letting go of expectations). A dear and wise friend told me once that "expectations" were simply "planned disappointments. Hmmmmmm

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Finding Peace

I have been working on this painting for a bit and am pretty closed to finished.

A Few Thoughts.......

I was reading some other blogs on art and came across some interesting information. Fact, art is good for you!! Yes, there have been studies that have proven that it actually boosts your immune system by elevating your mood. Which can be a lot cheaper than paying a visit to the doctor and/or shrink and getting on antidepressants. And no, I have absolutely nothing against medication when used properly. Art also enhances your living space, stimulates conversation and provides an opportunity for you to feel connected to something or someone outside yourself. Some may feel that buying art is a form of indulgence, but i disagree. Where would we be without it? Art is in all things.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Eyes Have It

I painted this piece last spring and instead of me looking at it, i feel like it, or they are looking at me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

In the Gloaming

Just a wee bit of tweaking and it is finished. Wa La!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Palette

My palette from a bugs eye view, arranged by color and value.

Monday, February 28, 2011

No Where to Hide

I am drawn to red. I am getting it together organizational wise, i think. I came up with a plan, though i can hardly take credit for it. In order to keep track of my paintings, inventory, what sold, what gallery, who collected what, dimensions etc.........I have started taking photos of each piece, noting title, size, status etc and keeping it in a log book. This will stream line my life immensely, which in turn will allow me more time to paint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Journey

I painted this piece a few months ago. Every color imaginable, an experiment of sorts, which i believe every piece of art is.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My studio, (haven)!

My little piece of heaven. I am extremely grateful to have my own space!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I would like to thank my dear friend and artist Cathleen Rehfeld for her inspiration and blogging tutorial!

Dreaming Blue

I actually painted this piece before "Possibilities". I continue to experiment and learn about color and am intrigued by the feelings certain colors illicit.

Interested in purchasing this painting? Please contact me at 541-490-5361 for dimensions and price.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ode to Georgia

this image is 4 ft x 4 ft, commission

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


i worked on this piece upside down, i love the warmth and rich feeling it has.